An Environmental Statement is required for any drilling in near shore or sensitive areas.
Drilling associated with a new development is also likely to require an ES. If unsure whether an ES is required or not, discussions should be held with DESNZ or a Drilling Operations Application (DRA) can be used to seek a dispensation from the requirement of an ES. If at all unsure, time should be allowed for preparation of an ES.
ES Required
No ES Required
Action Needed
12+ months
If required, submit DRA to determine requirement for an Environmental Statement.
This step can be skipped if it is clear that an ES is or is not required.

Undertake Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and prepare ES. |
Identify if proposed drilling occurs in vicinity of any habitats or protected species under EU Habitats Directive.
Additional measures and Habitats Regulatory Assessment may be required.

If no asset-wide Oil Pollution Emergency Plan in place, prepare OPEP.

4 months
4 months
3 months
3 months
Prepare Chemical Permit SAT (DRA) and environmental information sections

include any chemical use/discharge associated with well cleanup if applicable.

Submit ES along with Application for Consent (PON16). |
2 months
2 months
Submit OPEP to DESNZ for approval. |
3-5 weeks
3-5 weeks
If reinjection of cuttings planned offsite, submit application for reinjection under FEPA.  |
28 days
28 days
Submit Chemical Permit SAT (DRA). (Note: Ensure chemicals selected are registered with CEFAS and those of high environmental risk are replaced as far as possible). |
Submit PON4 (Consent to Drill Well). |
Make application to DTLR for Consent to Locate for rig. (as part of DRA application) |
If Deposit of Stabilisation and Protection Materials required, submit application Direction under EIA Regulations to deposit material on the seabed. (as part of DRA application) |
If drilling through pay-zone and reservoir hydrocarbon contamination of drill cuttings for overboard discharge expected, apply for Oil Discharge Permit. . Oil Discharge Permit may also be required if OBM well cleanup is expected or any oil contamination of WBM/SBM cleanup. |
1 week
1 week
Any radioactive sources will need a Certificate of Registration.  |