Action Needed
2 – 4 months before operation


Ensure Oil Pollution Emergency Plan is in place . Currently no statutory requirement for chemical spill planning, but you may wish to include this in your OPEP. |

Ensure any vessel has appropriate Ship Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) is in place. |
In event of spill
Report any oil spill or accidental chemical spill immediately to DESNZ and HM Coastguard using PON1. Additional external reporting requirements for an oil spill. All oil and accidental chemical spills should also be reported internally. |
Report any excursion to chemical permit is not reported on PON1. Report to DESNZ within at least 2 days of incident occurring . Best practice is to ensure that a variation is submitted on chemical permit before excursion occurs, and out of hour contact details are available. |
Mobilise appropriate response as per OPEP in place. |